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The Philarmónica Orchestra of Lisbon born from the dream of two promising Maestros, Miguel Madaleno and Paulo Duarte, with appropriate training to directing orchestras, as well as proven experience in the music scene: either as musicians or as composers and teachers. They are residents Maestros of OPhL.


When perspetivar a project that thrives on spontaneous collaboration of musicians, and its particular taste in playing a collective of incomparable sound, attempts will be made-reward that effort and dedication, especially through the possibility of participating in curricularmente relevant experience.


In this sense it is with renewed pleasure and honor that we felt, besides the two conductors residents, with conductors Navarro Lara (Symphony Huelva) and Martin Elmquist (the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra), as guest conductors.

Project OPHL

The idea to form an orchestra in which its entirety meet regularly to touch together for the pleasure of playing, practice, the camaraderie, the challenge of playing better and the passion for symphonic music, performing concerts.


An orchestra formed by musicians with recognized expertise musical and instrumental level, led by maestros with strong demand in quality, and working for the love of art.


One idea, with strong acceptance in other countries, which we believe we can develop a special community of Lisbon has a great tradition and taste for culture and know welcome and cherish the OPhL: CARNIDE!


The OPhL form a quality group, growth, has begun to provide concerts and other statements to different audiences, contributing to easier access of citizens to classical music, traditional music and contemporary music.


In addition to a classical repertoire Orchestra, we also intend to present original, unique works and select other little carried out so as to attract the attention it deserves, chasing and trying to win the approval of the public.


The completion of OPhL allows entry to many talented musicians present in our community, who wish to socializing and experience in orchestral context, engaged in conduct performances of artistically recognized form.


We will be guided by showing a professional level of performance, trying to earn distinction for the orchestra, for their players and their supporters.


We intend to take us as one of the public consolidation channels for orchestral music and we hope to help open up to other art forms.


We aim to audiences of all ages, contributing to the cultural vitality and quality of life, especially in the parish, but not wanting to lose sight of the city.


The OPhL intends to ensure the education and discipline of the stakeholders in order to enable the continuation of the project we aim capable of producing effects of immeasurable value moral, ethical and human.


In Carnide, to Lisbon, to Portugal and to the world.





© 2014 Orquestra Philarmónica de Lisboa

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