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The OPhL Philharmonia - Cultural and Arts Association is a non-profit association which aims at promoting the dissemination of music, arts and culture in general.


As the main purpose, fostering the creation and direction of a symphony orchestra: the orchestra Philarmónica Lisbon.

Contribute to this goal activities and various initiatives, cultural and artistic nature, suitable for personal and professional development of the musicians who make up the orchestra but also appropriate to the elements of the community interested.


Music is a universal way to communicate, to entertain, to provoke emotions, not running out there.


If it is easy to like a certain musical composition - knowing nothing about the author, or even without knowing the musical notation that allows it to be interpreted in the way that its composer imagined by people who may never have heard - the easier it is find a passion for music learning to play an instrument.


Learning is to enter a world of discovery and new perspectives. We want to provide that experience.


The path of those who appreciate music, and gives you attention, which associates that tune certain moments or emotions, ... is generally very rewarding.

Starting with something that sounds great, discover the composer! Listening to other works by the same author - giving more 'Likes' to some, less the other - can put them at the right time! Comparing contemporary works by other authors, finish getting define a certain style or chain! Recognize the instruments and their sounds! Any of these approaches leads to a personal enrichment process, relationship of facts and increase of musical literacy, which will give opportunity. We count on you.


Listen to a concert in a targeted way, meet composers and performers, or even learn to play an instrument - will be because some of the advertising opportunities to residents - along with the presentation of musical training. We have had the honor to present, at the Cultural Center of Carnide, Clave de Lua and 4 Nylon. But from time to time, we will visit areas other than music, here, near you ... in the Community of the Tagus River Street Center.


All activities, contribute to the production of Concerts OPhL - Philarmónica Orchestra of Lisbon. And the first will arrive soon.

We await you in the audience or participating in one of the activities that we present.

© 2014 Orquestra Philarmónica de Lisboa

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